House Keeping Materialwala

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We provide a best quality cleaning products for any businesses, hotels, restaurants, malls, cafeterias other kitchen industries etc.

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Trolleys & Buckets

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What People Say ?


We are genuinely happy that we are associated with Grenove for all cleaning & sanitation products in housekeeping & Kitchen Stewarding departments that has shown great results. The products are eco-positive micro-biological and biodegradable which significantly enhance the life of our hotel assets and helps in substantial savings


We were using a synthetic based cutting oil same many years.through we were dosing good with it,but the problem daily top up,smell issue,rusting of our CNC machines. Grenove HMI cool SoT solved all there problems as this is not synthetic it is mineral oil based cutting oil which has inbuilt anti corrosion solution which protect the free from rusting. we are saving a lot on budget as no daily Top-up is required .

Gopi Mankar

we were struggling with the challenges of hygienic cleaning in the hotel premises serve a long time. But with Grenove-HMI has use cleaning products all our problems of cleaning got solved instantly. The most important quality of these products are that they are eco-friendly and not harming our staff’s skin. 

What People Say ?

We are genuinely happy that we are associated with Grenove for all cleaning & sanitation products in housekeeping & Kitchen Stewarding departments that has shown great results. The products are eco-positive micro-biological and biodegradable which significantly enhance the life of our hotel assets and helps in substantial savings


We were using a synthetic based cutting oil same many years.through we were dosing good with it,but the problem daily top up,smell issue,rusting of our CNC machines. Grenove HMI cool SoT solved all there problems as this is not synthetic it is mineral oil based cutting oil which has inbuilt anti corrosion solution which protect the free from rusting. we are saving a lot on budget as no daily Top-up is required .


we were struggling with the challenges of hygienic cleaning in the hotel premises serve a long time. But with Grenove-HMI has use cleaning products all our problems of cleaning got solved instantly. The most important quality of these products are that they are eco-friendly and not harming our staff’s skin. 

Gopi Mankar

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